

Useful info - Customs and traditions


MUSE Natural Sciences Museum

Trento (55 km from Malé)
Also reachable by train from Mezzana (66 km)
The Muse museum is a cutting-edge centre for the diffusion of scientific culture that together with the traditional aspects associated with natural history and research, which is common for all organizations that are linked to science and nature, it has also added a special emphasis on ethical and social issues and on current matters like ecology and sustainable development.


Depero Futurist House of the Arts

Rovereto (81 km from Malé)
The first and only futurist museum in Italy


Beseno Castle

Besenello (73 km from Malé)

San Michele all'Adige

Museum of the customs and traditions of the Trentino people

San Michele all'Adige (41 km from Malé)
Also reachable by train from Mezzana (51 km)
From a popular technology standpoint, this ethnological museum is Italy's most important and one of Europe's most significant.

Mattarello di Trento

Aeronautical Museum «Gianni Caproni»

Mattarello di Trento (64 km from Malé) 


Belasi Castle

Campodenno - Val di Non (32 km from da Malé)
Located amidst apple orchards, this complex dates all the way back to the 13th century.
The castle's outer walls embrace the pentagonal keep (tower) while the inner castle is shielded by a dual wall

Opening from 1.06.

Caution in the mountains