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Raccolta Funghi in Val di Sole | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Tommaso Prugnola


Mushrooming in Val di Sole

Mushrooms are undoubtedly tasty but what's even more satisfying is seeking them out among the moss and pine needles in a shaded, silent copse. Spotting one, homing in on it and realising it is edible is extremely rewarding! That simple gesture of cleaning it and placing it in the basket is already mouth-watering: you're already imagining how you'll cook your precious 'prize' and already looking forward to it. Are you keen to enjoy such an experience... but don't know much about mushrooms? No problem: Val di Sole organises summertime mycological excursions, screenings, meetings with experts and mycological exhibitions.


Mushroom picking regulations

Mushroom picking in the Autonomous Province of Trento is regulated by the L.P. (Provincial Law) of 23 May 2007, n. 11 and subsequent amendments implemented on 26 October 2009, n. 23-25. Here, we cite the main articles (the complete text is available from Valley Information Offices).

Art. 1 0 - Picking methods

- Within the Province the picking of wild mushrooms, whether edible or not, is limited to 2 kg per day per person over the age of 10 years.
- The maximum limit does not apply if a single specimen exceeds, on its own, the aforementioned limit.
- Mushroom pickers are required to give the mushrooms a brief clean at the harvesting site and must only transport them in perforated, rigid containers.
- It is forbidden to damage mushrooms on the ground. Do not use rakes, hooks or any other tools that might damage the topsoil.

Art. 1 2 - Picking permits

- Mushroom picking permits are personal and non-transferable.

Art. 22 - General rules

- Children under the age of 10 can only pick if accompanied by an adult; allowed maximum limits remain applicable.
- Mushroom picking is allowed from 7.00am to 7.00pm.

Raccolta Funghi in Val di Sole | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Stefano Cristoforetti


Permits and fees

Mushroom picking permits are valid throughout Val di Sole, which encompasses the following 13 municipalities: Vermiglio, Peio, Ossana, Pellizzano, Mezzana, Commezzadura, Dimaro Folgarida, Croviana, Malé, Terzolas, Caldes, Cavizzana, Rabbi.

Mushroom picking permits have the following durations (and relative fees).
Discounts are provided against a personal declaration of certification, which can be filled out at Valley information offices.
1 DAY € 10.00   Discounted fee € 8.00*
3 DAYS € 18.00   Discounted fee € 17.00*
1 WEEK (7 days) € 24.00   Discounted fee € 23.00*
2 WEEKS (14 days) € 40.00   Discounted fee € 35.00*
30 AND 90 DAYS € 60.00   Discounted fee € 50.00*
120 DAYS € 120.00   No discounted fee (no geoticket)

Fees can be paid:

  • ONLINE at www.geoticket.it or with the relative Geoticket app
  • at the TOURIST OFFICES in the valley

* DISCOUNTED FEES: reduced fees are applied to people who stay for tourism purposes in a municipality of the Province of Trento for at least three consecutive days, to persons who have been residing for at least five years or have a parent resident in a municipality of the Province of Trento and to persons who own property or have other rights to residential properties located in one of the municipalities adhering to the supra-municipal regulations of the 13 municipalities of Val di Sole. To obtain the reduced fee it is necessary to provide a self-certification.
Download the self-certification form for discounted mushroom picking fees (pdf)


Practical advice


Wear clothes suitable to the environment by attending: covers well the lower limbs and keep at hand a waterproof light. Carry  with you a  hard and holed basket to put picked mushrooms  in. Avoid waterproof basket. Keep a knife, used to clean, not to pisck or cut mushrooms on the ground.


Pick whole mushrooms, without pulling them up or cutting at the base of the stalk. Act gently to leave as much as possible intact all the morphological characters of the mushroom,  needed to determine its species.
The mushrooms poisonous and those that are not picked up must be respected, not to be trampled or destroyed. They can serve to experts for study or at least continue to play their role as biological balance of the forest.


Avoid eating mushrooms not known and whose edibility has not been established.
In case of complaints after a short incubation (up to 3 hours after the meal): cause with some half vomiting patient, call the doctor and a mycologist.
In case of complaints after a long incubation (8 to 48 hours and more after the meal): go to a doctor, specifying the time of the meal and call a mycology to determine the poisoning agent. Never let drink alcohol to a poisonous.