Trentino Booking Booking


A paradise for river sports

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Adrenaline and biodiversity

Water is one of Val di Sole’s most characteristic features, with its wealth of springs, streams, rivers, and lakes. And lord of them all is the River Noce. A paradise of nature, sport and fun. A place for body and mind, ideal for the most intimate of introspective exploration.

The Noce is one of the most important rivers for sport in Italy, thanks to its difficult conditions, the length of its practicable stretches, and the beauty of its surrounding scenery.  It is the only European river to be classed by NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC among the top 10 in the world for river sports! Activity suitable for all, requiring no particular skills. The only indispensable premise that you know how to swim. Then all you need do is jump in! Your total safety is guaranteed by our professional guides.

The River Noce rises near the Corno dei Tre Signori (3,360 m asl), in the Ortles-Cevedale mountain range, just few kilometres further down forming the artificial lake Pian Palù, after which it flows all the way down the valley, fed by other rivers that include the Noce Bianco, the Vermigliana and the Rabbies, in a continuing alternation of rapids and slower currents, crashing waves or slower moving stretches where the water feels almost like a caress. The Noce has history, scenery and biodiversity: the Parco Fluviale Alto Noce (Upper Noce River Park) guarantees management of the protected areas and river environment of the Noce and its tributaries.

It offers plenty of activities to choose from: rafting, fishing and the cycle path that follows it almost the entire length of its course.

Rafting sul fiume Noce  | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Giuliano Bernardi

Rafting & canoe

Pesca in Val di Sole | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Visual Stories


Pista Ciclabile Val di Sole | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Matteo Cappè

Cycling path