Trentino Booking Booking

Shepherd for a day

Discovering ancient crafts and flavors of the past with a delicious surprise

Activity time 3 Hours
Participants min. 5 - max. 35
ATTENTION: l'esperienza ha già avuto luogo
Prossime date in fase di definizione

Would you like to give up everything to move to the mountains? The sheep, the altitude, the smell of the freshly cut grass and wood will be the setting for a true shepherd’s experience. Du-
ring the visit to the Venetian sawmill our guide will help you make a small wooden object to take home as a souvenir.


Don’t miss the delicious cheese tasting from the Caseificio Sociale Presanella.


Experience organized by the Mezzana Marilleva Consortium in collaboration with the Presanella Social Dairy and the 'L'Alveare' Association. The Presanella dairy cooperative collects the milk produced by farmers in the Upper Val di Sole. With care and dedication, it carefully and lovingly processes it into premium cheese, including Trentingrana, Nostrano, Casolèt della Val di Sole (Slow Food presidium) and ricotta, fully respecting nature and the age-old local cheesemaking traditions. The association 'L'Alveare' deals with multiple local entities including MMape, Fattore Legno, Bosco Derniga, and from this year also our Venetian Sawmill.

Experience Info

  • Family-friendly
  • Half-day activity Half-day activity
Purchase experience

3 reasons

why it's worth it

Learn about the ancient traditional crafts and uncover secrets and stories immersed in unspoiled nature
The shepherd looks forward to satisfying your curiosity... ask all the questions you have to understand the secrets of true mountain life.
You will be able to taste the local artisan dairy products from the Presanella Social Dairy

Consorzio Turistico Mezzana Marilleva

Purchase experience

Experience Info

  • Family-friendly
  • Half-day activity Half-day activity



Marilleva Mezzana - Ortisé


Experience Info

All the info you need


Adult € 20

Children up to 13 years old € 10

Adult € 20

Children up to 13 years old € 10

Activity time

3 Hours
3 Hours

number of participants

Minimum 5 - Maximum 35 participants
Minimum 5 - Maximum 35 participants

Register before

Prebook required the day before by 6:00 pm

Prebook required the day before by 6:00 pm


Would you like to give up everything to move to the mountains? The sheep, the altitude, the smell of the freshly cut grass and wood will be the setting for a true shepherd’s experience. Du-
ring the visit to the Venetian sawmill our guide will help you make a small wooden object to take home as a souvenir.


Don’t miss the delicious cheese tasting from the Caseificio Sociale Presanella.


Experience organized by the Mezzana Marilleva Consortium in collaboration with the Presanella Social Dairy and the 'L'Alveare' Association. The Presanella dairy cooperative collects the milk produced by farmers in the Upper Val di Sole. With care and dedication, it carefully and lovingly processes it into premium cheese, including Trentingrana, Nostrano, Casolèt della Val di Sole (Slow Food presidium) and ricotta, fully respecting nature and the age-old local cheesemaking traditions. The association 'L'Alveare' deals with multiple local entities including MMape, Fattore Legno, Bosco Derniga, and from this year also our Venetian Sawmill.

La mungitura  | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Natale Bertolini
Le donne di un tempo  | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Norma Valentinelli
Particolare estate - legna  | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Visual Stories

Accompanied by a shepherd, you will get to know the animals that accompany him every day, the sheep with their lambs, the goats, the guard dogs, and the sheepdogs, as well as various activities including grass mowing, wood cutting, and milking. The staff of the Venetian sawmill will accompany you on a tour of the sawmill, putting it into operation and explaining all the mechanisms: water, timber, and saw. They will also help you build a very useful tool for everyday life. At the end of the experience, there will be a cheese tasting from the Presanella Social Dairy.


Activity suitable for everyone.


Wear long pants and comfortable shoes.


MEZZANA - Library
Use your own car to get to the meeting point. Private transport required as far as the town of Ortisé. 


If it rains, the activity will be cancelled.

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