Trentino Booking Booking

Cima Lac

Mountain tour
Activity time
Durata in ore
Distance in km
A trail that leads to Cima Lac from the village of Pracorno in Val di Rabbi. These less frequented areas offer wild and captivating landscapes.
A moderately difficult trail with a duration of 3 hours and 30 minutes round trip.

Cima Lac at 2,439 meters in the Maddalene Group is a relatively easy summit, and together with the nearby Cima Vese at 2,400 meters, they form a panoramic ridge overlooking the Val di Rabbi and Val di Sole.

Along the trail, you can stop at Malga Mondent Alta for a delicious local dish and the possibility of an overnight stay.

The view from the summit is vast, extending towards Val di Bresimo: Val di Sole with the northern slopes of the Brenta Dolomites. You’ll be able to spot Prà Castron and Bivacco Costanzi. In the Val di Rabbi, you’ll see the Maddalene and, further east, the Lagorai, the Dolomites with the Catinaccio and Marmolada, the Pale di San Martino, the Sella Group, and the Sassolungo Group. To the west, you can see the peaks of the Ortles-Cevedale Group, including Vioz, Palon de la Mare, Cevedale, and the Vegaia-Tremenesca Group.

Route info

5.8 km
Activity time
3:30 h.
Uphill Elevation
977 m
Downhill elevation
0 m
Physical effort
Highest point
2429 m
Lowest point
1452 m
Height difference
977 m


APT Valli di Sole, Peio e Rabbi


Be cautious on the final section, as the SAT 133 B trail is only followed for a part before you leave it on the right and continue to Cima Lac. The route can form a loop if, on the return, you follow the directions from Malga Cortinga Alta to Malga Cortinga Bassa, thus reaching the starting point.

From "Pas de L'Om" to the ridge leading to Cima Lac, the trail is slightly exposed.

Safety information

To undertake a mountain hike, we suggest you:
  • choose a route that suits your level of preparation. If in doubt, contact the Alpine Guides or our Information Offices.
  • plan your hike: check the weather forecast, the route you'll follow, and the operating hours of any cabe cars, if your itinerary involves using them. Remember that the accessibility of mountain trails is closely linked to current conditions and depends on natural phenomena, environmental changes, and weather conditions. Therefore, make sure to gather thorough information about the route and its conditions before setting off.
  • leave details of your itinerary, including your approximate return time, and carry your mobile phone.
  • pay attention to the signs and markings you find along the way: Stelvio Park signs, SAT white and red signs, and red and white paint marks on stones or trees.
  • book in advance the mountain hut where you plan to stop for a meal or to spend the night.
  • never leave trash at high altitudes, and if possible, avoid leaving it at the mountain huts or alpine dairy farms you visit.
  • if you spot wild animals along the route, we encourage you to stay on the trail, avoid getting too close, do not shout, and keep your dog on a leash to prevent it from instinctively chasing and scaring them.

Starting point



Starting from the village of Pracorno in Val di Rabbi, take the paved road to Ingenga and follow it until you reach the Masi di Zora area (1,404 m). After going about 200 meters further, you’ll find a large parking area where you can leave your car.

Take the dirt road marked "Malga Mondent," which, after about 20 minutes and some switchbacks while stying on the left, reaches Malga Mondent Bassa and then Malga Mondent Alta at an altitude of 1,913 m.

From here, you can admire the Val di Rabbi and the northern part of the Brenta Dolomites Group, including Monte Peller and Sasso Rosso. From Malga Alta, follow the uphill trail marked "Malga Cortinga Alta" and "Pass de l'Om" to reach the malga (2,059 m), which takes about 30 minutes. Here, you can see high-altitude flowers like gentians.

Next, follow the SAT 117 trail towards "Pas de L'Om," which ascends steeply. You’ll reach the pass (2,331 m) in about 1 hour and 10 minutes from Malga Cortinga. From here, you can admire the Val di Bresimo area. From the pass, follow the SAT 133 B trail towards Cima Vese, staying on the ridge with some ups and downs until you reach the starting point of the ridge leading to Cima Lac. Leave the SAT 133 B trail on your right and follow the wide grassy ridge until you reach the summit (marked with some stone cairns).

Public transportation

You can reach the village of Malè by train (download the departure and return schedule).

From Malè, you can reach Pracorno by bus (download the departure and return schedule).


How to get there

Follow the SS43 to Mostizzolo. Continue on the SS42 and then follow the signs to Magras. At the intersection, head towards Terzolas, Via Nazionale, and follow the SP86 until you reach Pracorno.

Where to park

You can leave the car in the parking lot at the Masi di Zora area.
To tackle a mountain hike, it’s always useful to:
  • Wear trekking boots suitable for uneven, irregular, and wet terrain, long pants, a hat, and sunglasses.
  • Pack a waterproof jacket, a fleece, a hat, and gloves, sunscreen, and some extra clothing in your backpack.
  • Bring a water bottle and snacks for energy (dried fruit, bars, or chocolate).
  • Don’t forget your camera or phone to capture the views and scenes you like best. If you’d like, you can share them on social media using #visitvaldisole.