Trentino Booking Booking

Cima Cadinel

Mountain tour
Activity time
Durata in ore
Distance in km
An itinerary that will allow you to appreciate nature at high altitudes, where you can admire the Ortles-Cevedale Group and the Adamello-Presanella Group
Challenging trail that leads, through a secluded and remote area, to Cima Cadinel. The route is characterized by diverse environments: the forest path leading to Malga Campo, where the view to the west opens up to Cevedale and the Redival-Boai Group, continues uphill through the larch trees, in a wild valley until reaching the grassy terraces of Baito del Cadinel. This place, which exudes tranquility, invites to a longer rest. Then, the trail follows the grassy slopes to reach Lago Cadinel and continues to Passo Cadinel, offering a view of the imposing Cima Grande, the Eggenspitze, and Gleck. The trail then proceeds to Cima Cadinel, a magnificent panoramic point from which, on clear days, the Grossglockner can be seen in the distance.

Route info

4.8 km
Activity time
5:00 h.
Uphill Elevation
1029 m
Downhill elevation
26 m
Physical effort
Highest point
2860 m
Lowest point
1831 m
Height difference
1029 m


APT Valli di Sole, Peio e Rabbi


The final section from the pass to Cima Cadinel features simple rock steps, but slightly exposed.

Stop at Malga Campo for a sweet break and to admire the surrounding landscape.

In case of bad weather, the Baito del Cadinel is an excellent shelter.

Safety information

To undertake a mountain hike, we suggest you:
  • choose a route that suits your level of preparation. If in doubt, contact the Alpine Guides or our Information Offices.
  • plan your hike: check the weather forecast, the route you'll follow, and the operating hours of any cabe cars, if your itinerary involves using them. Remember that the accessibility of mountain trails is closely linked to current conditions and depends on natural phenomena, environmental changes, and weather conditions. Therefore, make sure to gather thorough information about the route and its conditions before setting off.
  • leave details of your itinerary, including your approximate return time, and carry your mobile phone.
  • pay attention to the signs and markings you find along the way: Stelvio Park signs, SAT white and red signs, and red and white paint marks on stones or trees.
  • book in advance the mountain hut where you plan to stop for a meal or to spend the night.
  • never leave trash at high altitudes, and if possible, avoid leaving it at the mountain huts or alpine dairy farms you visit.
  • if you spot wild animals along the route, we encourage you to stay on the trail, avoid getting too close, do not shout, and keep your dog on a leash to prevent it from instinctively chasing and scaring them.

Starting point



Starting from the village of Celentino, follow the forest road towards Malga Campo to reach Sant'Antonio area, where you can leave the car (1,810 m). Then, continue on foot along the path to Malga Campo for 200 meters until you reach a left turn where you take the SAT 132 trail, which takes about 30 minutes to reach Malga Campo (1,979 m). From Malga Campo, follow the SAT 132 trail in a slight ascent towards Malga Sassa, turning right just before the malga – offering views of Ortles Cevedale and Presanella. After crossing a stream, the path becomes narrow with numerous switchbacks leading to the high-altitude pastures near Baito Cadinel (2,419 m). The trail continues on semi-flat terrain across wide grassy slopes to Lago Cadinel (2,521 m), from which you can begin to see the cross on Cima Vegaia. An additional uphill section leads to Passo Cadinel at 2,730 m. From here, follow the ridge along a trail to reach Cima Cadinel at 2,866 m.

Public transportation

You can reach Val di Sole by taking the train from TRENTO to MALE' to MEZZANA (download departure and return times) until you reach Mezzana.

From there, you can take the bus from Mezzana to Fucine, Cogolo, and Peio (download departure and return times) to Bivio Celentino. From the bus stop, you can walk to the village of Celentino, which is 2 km away, and then start the trail.



How to get there

Drive along the SS42, and at the Cusiano junction, take the SP87 towards Celentino.

Where to park

You can leave the car in the Sant'Antonio area.
To tackle a mountain hike, it’s always useful to:
  • Wear trekking boots suitable for uneven, irregular, and wet terrain, long pants, a hat, and sunglasses.
  • Pack a waterproof jacket, a fleece, a hat, and gloves, sunscreen, and some extra clothing in your backpack.
  • Bring a water bottle and snacks for energy (dried fruit, bars, or chocolate).
  • Don’t forget your camera or phone to capture the views and scenes you like best. If you’d like, you can share them on social media using #visitvaldisole.