Trentino Booking Booking


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Passo Tonale - Hotel Bezzi

Fuori Pista

Dimaro Folgarida - Dimaro

La Chicca


Maso Fior di Bosco

Peio - Celledizzo

Viaggi Paternoster

Passo Tonale - Ghiacciaio Presena

Capanna Presena

Gondola needed
Reservation required

Passo Tonale

Salone Unisex Coccolati

Rabbi - Daolasa - Piazzale Telecabina

Ricarica Auto - Dolomiti Energia




Monday to Saturday 8:30am-12:00pm - 3:30pm-7:00pm. Closed Sunday in June and in September. Open on Sunday in August and July 9:00am-12:00pm.

The valley's pharmacies follow shifts to ensure continual service in non-opening hours, at night, on Sundays, on closing days and on any week holidays. An extra fee is charged for the service provided in non-opening hours.


Cinema Alpi

Marilleva Mezzana - Mezzana

Dr. Bovolato


Coredo Castel

Coredo - Val di Non (25 km from Malé)
A fascinating way to discover this castle located in one of the oldest hamlets in Val di Non. Castel Coredo is an austere stately building. The existing building has 4 floors and it dates back to 1726.
It houses valuable furnishings, hunting trophies and a small art gallery, consisting in portraits of ancestors and members of the House of Habsburg.

Opening hours: from June 8th through June 22nd and from July 2nd through August 31st. Tuesday and Saturday with guided tours from 5:30pm. Open on September 14th, September 28th, on October 12th and 26th with guided tours from 5:30pm.