Trentino Booking Booking

Crime at the park

A mysterious adventure in the canyon at the Novella River Park.

Activity time 2 hours and 30 minutes
07 September - 26 October 2024
each Saturday - 3:00 pm

A unique excursion, an intriguing crime scene, a mysterious adventure that requires several investigators to solve a crime in the Novella River Park. A fun team game where a detective will guide you through the park in search of clues and evidence to find the culprit.


Wild and mysterious places among apple orchards and lush woods with a descent into a deep canyon.


We are the members of the Parco Fluviale Novella ONLUS association, a volunteer organization that for nearly twenty years has been dedicated to caring for and preserving our land, protecting it, safeguarding it, promoting it, and enhancing its value through various sustainable activities. These can be done on foot or by kayak to explore hidden paradises in Val di Non, deep within the earth, which are impossible to spot from above. We are deeply in love with our territory and nature, and every day we help people discover and appreciate them through unique and special activities such as "Crime at the park.”

Experience Info

  • Family-friendly
  • Half-day activity Half-day activity
Purchase experience
  • relaxed relaxed

3 reasons why

this experience is worth it

Fun is guaranteed at the Novella River Park
A physical and mental workout awaits you in a unique environment
A mysterious adventure where you will step into the shoes of a detective

Val di Non Tourism Board

Purchase experience

Experience Info

  • Family-friendly
  • Half-day activity Half-day activity


07.09.2024 - 26.10.2024 3:00 pm
Each saturday


Novella - Romallo - Novella River Park - at S. Biagio area


Experience Info

All the info you need


€ 15 per person (over 15 years old)

€ 15 per person (over 15 years old)

Activity time

2 hours and 30 minutes
2 hours and 30 minutes

Register before

the day before by 5:00 pm

the day before by 5:00 pm


A unique excursion, an intriguing crime scene, a mysterious adventure that requires several investigators to solve a crime in the Novella River Park. A fun team game where a detective will guide you through the park in search of clues and evidence to find the culprit.


Wild and mysterious places among apple orchards and lush woods with a descent into a deep canyon.


We are the members of the Parco Fluviale Novella ONLUS association, a volunteer organization that for nearly twenty years has been dedicated to caring for and preserving our land, protecting it, safeguarding it, promoting it, and enhancing its value through various sustainable activities. These can be done on foot or by kayak to explore hidden paradises in Val di Non, deep within the earth, which are impossible to spot from above. We are deeply in love with our territory and nature, and every day we help people discover and appreciate them through unique and special activities such as "Crime at the park.”

WOW experience Val di Non Parco con delitto | © Archivio APT Val di Non
WOW experience Val di Non Parco con delitto | © Archivio APT Val di Non
WOW experience Val di Non Parco con delitto | © Archivio APT Val di Non

At the end of the hike, once you’ve solved our mysterious clue-based course, all participants will receive a certificate of participation and a tasty snack.


Suitable for everyone - 15 years old and up


It is recommended to wear comfortable shoes, preferably hiking boots. No special physical preparation is required for the Novella River Park trail, as it does not present significant difficulties. The trail includes sections on paved roads, forest paths, and metal walkways. The elevation gain is just 150 meters. Not recommended for those afraid of heights. Not suitable for individuals with walking difficulties.


Entrace of Novella River Park at San Biagio area, Novella – Revò 

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