Trentino Booking Booking

Castelli e acquarelli - Castles and Watercolors

The Feudal Residences of the Noce Valleys in the Views of Vigilio Kirchner

Towers, castles, and ruins of ancient fortresses are an integral part of the Trentino landscape, contributing to its historical and aesthetic value. Among them, the feudal residences of the Noce Valleys stand out for their number and prestige, boasting an exceptional concentration of fortified buildings. Some have been in ruins for centuries, while others have survived to the present day in perfect condition, retaining their magnificent furnishings. This significant monumental heritage, part of which is now publicly owned, was documented by the Trentino painter Vigilio Kirchner (1873-1947) during a 'picturesque journey' along the Noce River, undertaken several times in the early 1920s.

Using small-format album sheets, the artist executed over eighty watercolor and gouache views of castles: 72 of these were acquired in 1996 by the B.I.M. Consortium of the Adige municipalities and are now exhibited at Castel Caldes. Kirchner's endeavor is part of a well-established documentary practice that began in the first half of the nineteenth century with the Tyrolean designer Johanna von Isser-Grossrubatscher and continued at the end of the century by the painter Tony Grubhofer and the first photographers active in our region, such as Trentino Giovanni Battista Unterveger and Viennese Otto Schmidt. The series of views created by Kirchner stands out in this context as one of the most successful and systematic. These are timeless images that did not aspire to the status of high art and therefore remain unaffected by the cultural climate of the time in which they were created. They offer us a compelling and evocative journey through castles, from the Upper Val di Sole down to the Piana Rotaliana, pausing around the walls, beneath the arches, in the frescoed chapels, and within the halls of the largest Anauni castles.

The exhibition also provides an opportunity to rediscover some lesser-known aspects of the life and work of Vigilio Kirchner, a vibrant figure who referred to himself as a painter-decorator and an amateur musician, navigating a time of great political and cultural upheaval. Growing up in late nineteenth-century Trento, he experienced a long adventure in South Africa before returning home, where he dedicated himself to musical associations, particularly directing the mandolin orchestra and the fanfare of the Club Armonia.

Photo gallery


20.07.2024 - 27.10.2024



