Trentino Booking Booking

Dreamy Alpine Dairies

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malghe sognanti

Autumn Experiences in Val di Sole

Discover the magic of Val di Sole in autumn by participating in Malghe Sognanti.
An immersive experience that combines nature, tradition, and music, offering you unforgettable moments in some of the most picturesque corners of Val di Sole.

Join us for a simple hike suitable for everyone, accompanied by an expert guide who will lead you through the autumn landscapes of Val di Sole to reach the malga (mountain hut), enjoying a different spectacle each time, such as mountain choir performances or unique theatrical shows.

WHEN? Every Friday from September 13 to September 27 and every Saturday from October 5 to October 19.

WHERE? At the Malghe of Val di Sole: Malga Pontevecchio, Malga Polinar, Malga Mondent, Malga Fratte, Malga Stabli, and Malga Stablasolo.

WHAT WILL WE DO? After a pleasant walk, you will reach one of the characteristic mountain huts of the valley. Here, a snack or aperitif awaits you, featuring local products: cheeses, cold cuts, fresh bread, and other delights prepared with genuine, high-quality ingredients.

Your experience will be special because it will be accompanied by the melodies of the mountain choirs of the Cantori Solandri or the evocative performances of the Miscele d'Aria group. The Cantori Solandri will enchant you with their traditional songs, while Miscele d'Aria will offer you an innovative headphone music experience, allowing you to listen to their tracks in perfect harmony with the surrounding nature. At the end of the experience, we will give you a Val di Sole cutting board as a souvenir.

Book your experience

Choose your preferred appointment from the 6 available

Malga Pontevecchio

Friday, September 13th
at 1:15 PM
with the Cantori Solandri
© Giacomo Podetti, APT Valli di Sole, Peio e Rabbi

Malga Polinar

Friday, September 20th
at 8:30 AM
with the Cantori Solandri
Malga Mondent | © Archivio ApT Val di Sole - Ph Giacomo Podetti

Malga Mondent

Friday, September 27th
at 1:15 PM
with the Cantori Solandri
© Alice Russolo , APT Valli di Sole, Peio e Rabbi

Malga Stabli

Saturday, October 5th
at 8:30 AM
with Miscele d'Aria
© Giacomo Podetti, APT Valli di Sole, Peio e Rabbi

Malga Fratte

Saturday, October 12th
at 8:30 AM
with Miscele d'Aria
© Giacomo Podetti, APT Valli di Sole, Peio e Rabbi

Malga Stablasolo

Saturday, October 19th
at 8:30 AM
with Miscele d'Aria
Caution in the mountains