Trentino Booking Booking

Trekking Adamello-Presanella

Alpine tour
Activity time
Durata in ore
Distance in km
A high altitude, 3-day alpine tour in the Adamello-Presanella group within sight of the vast glacier of the Italian Alps.
The peaks of Adamello and Presanella with their granite rocks and the Vedretta del Mandrone are the real stars of the show here, the tour takes place  between the Val di Sole and the Val Rendena and with the biggest protected area in Trentino, the Adamello-Brenta Natural Park.

Route info

28.7 km
Activity time
11:58 h.
Uphill Elevation
2334 m
Downhill elevation
3032 m
Physical effort
Highest point
3123 m
Lowest point
1564 m
Height difference
1559 m


APT Valli di Sole, Peio e Rabbi


The area is surrounded by peaks which culminate to the north with the Cevedale chain (3.769m) - San Matteo (3.676m), and 13 peaks o ver 3.500m, and to the south with Adamello (3.554m) and Presanella (3.558m) enclosing the vastest glacial expanse in the Italian Alps the Vedretta del Mandrone, and 17 cubic km of ice. These mountains were the scene of the White War.

Safety information

This itinerary necessitates experience at high altitudes. Entrust the professionalism of the Val di Sole Alpine Guides for help and advice.

  • Choose a route suitable for your capability and pre-preparation.
  • Leave information of your itinerary and approximate return time.
  • Pay attention to the signs and indications found on the way.
  • Do not hesitate to return if necessary.
  • In the case of accident or emergency, call 118.

All the information given in this profile is subject to change or alteration and therefore not always absolutely valid. It is not possible to completely avoid inaccuracies due to the very rapid changes in weather or environmental conditions, which can verify themselves without warning. For this reason, we accept No responsibility for eventual changes, which may affect the person involved.  We strongly advise that weather and/or environmental conditions be checked before departure.

Please note that the practicability of the itineraries in a mountain environment is strictly linked to the contingent conditions and is therefore influenced by natural phenomena, environmental changes and weather conditions. For this reason, the information contained in this page may have changed. Before leaving for a tour, make sure the path you will approach is still accessible by contacting the owner of the mountain hut, the alpine guides or the visitor centres of the nature parks, the info offices of the local tourist board.

Starting point

Cabinovia Presena car park


EEA - Escursionisti Esperti con Attrezzature (Expert Equipped Hike)
Departure point is the car park at the Cabinovia Paradiso a Passo Tonale. Take the lift up to Passo Paradiso (2.585m). From here take the dirt road which leads to Lago del Monticello, to the right of which is the SAT 44 which rises and passes a number of rocky jumps to Passo del Castellaccio (2.936m), and the Sentiero dei Fiori a historical route dating back to the First World War. As the road progresses it becomes steeper until reaching the highest point the Corno di Lagoscuro (3.160m), where the Capanna Lagoscuro can be found, open only occasionally and unmanned. From here the descent to Passo Lagoscuro (2.970m) and the end of the ferrata. Close to Lago Scuro the descent to the SAT 209 which leads to Rifugio Mandron Città di Trento (2.449m).

EEA - Escursionisti Esperti con Attrezzature (Expert Equipped Hike)
From Rifugio Mandron follow the SAT 212 until reaching an altitude of 2.253m and take the SAT 220 (sentiero Migotti) which firstly runs alongside the wild face of the Cima Busazza and rises to Passo Cercen (3.022m) on the Presanella glacier. From here stay on the left and follow the rocky incline down to the SAT 206 which leads to Rifugio Stavel F. Denza (2.298m).

EE - Escursionisti Esperti (Expert Hiker)
From Rifugio Stavel F. Denza follow the SAT 234 close to the beautiful Lago Denza and up through the fields and rocks to Passo dei Pozzi (2.604m). From here the path descends the north face of the Cima dei Pozzi and reaches the remains of the Pozzi Alti fort (1.884m). From the fort take the SAT 268, which after a series of bends descends towards the Val di Sole and which, crossing diagonally takes you across the Ponte dei Alpini (1.537m) to the forest road which leads to Malga Pecè, and finally Passo Tonale (1.883m).

Public transportation

By train to Trento (Verona-Brennero line) and from here, take the Trento-Malè-Mezzana (Val di Sole) local train to any station where buses are available, for the latest timetable go to

How to get there

Take the A22 motorway and exit at Trento Nord (if you are coming from the south) or S.Michele all’Adige (if you coming from the north). Proceed in direction Cles, Val di Non, Val di Sole, to Passo Tonale. At Pass Tonale park in front of the Cabinovia Presena and take the lift.

Proceed along the SS42 (direction Passo Del Tonale), and follow the signs to Passo Tonale. At Pass Tonale park in front of the Cabinovia Presena and take the lift.

Where to park

Cabinovia Presena (Passo Tonale) car park

Trekking suitable only for experts equipped with a harness, ice picks, crampons and equipment to undertake the Via Ferrata.

Recommended equipment: Waterproof clothes, light but warm (the first layer of clothing in contact with the skin, should be made of polypropylene, a second layer should be of wool or felt (for insulation) and the third layer, waterproof windcheater raincoat in nylon or Gore-Tex and long trousers, heavy walking shoes, (avoid trainers) gloves, hat, a change of clothes, rucksack, water bottle and sleeping bag.

Caution in the mountains