Trentino Booking Booking

The Great War Epic Short Tour

Activity time
Durata in ore
Distance in km
A variation of the Great War Epic Tour - Tour of Montozzo.
This grand tour comes in the top 5 of the Trentino mountain bike tours. The Montozzo itinery, demonstrates, in fact, all that is great about off-roading: fantastic dirt roads, amazing vallies, technical mule tracks disconected paths and stretches when you will be carrying your bike on your shoulders. If to all of this we add the high altitudes, the varying land levels, the exceptional views of the peaks of Presanella and San Matteo, the panorama of the Val di Sole and the Val di PeIo, you will understand the high quality of this challenging off road tour best undertaken in the hot summer months.

Route info

53.2 km
Activity time
8:00 h.
Uphill Elevation
2089 m
Downhill elevation
2046 m
Physical effort
Highest point
2611 m
Lowest point
979 m
Height difference
1632 m


APT Valli di Sole, Peio e Rabbi


We suggest you stop for lunch and to visit the remains of the First World War near rifugio Bozzi.

Safety information

Be careful on the descent from Montozzo to Pian Palù as this is a very difficult road and you may encounter walkers.

Please note that the practicability of the itineraries in a mountain environment is strictly linked to the contingent conditions and is therefore influenced by natural phenomena, environmental changes and weather conditions. For this reason, the information contained in this page may have changed. Before leaving for a tour, make sure the path you will approach is still accessible by contacting the owner of the mountain hut, the alpine guides or the visitor centres of the nature parks, the info offices of the local tourist board.

Starting point

The cycle path - Ossana


From the village of Fucine in the direction of Ossana, after the bridge over the terrent Vermigliana and just after the hill up to the castle, on the right a dirt road climbs, past some new houses in the woods, in the direction of Passo Tonale. Bypassing a large area used by the forestry commission and adjacent to the very noisy torrent Vermigliana, the road becomes steeper and more difficult and leads to some fields and the locality known as 'Poia', situated on the southern side of Val Vermiglio. The trail with its numerous rises and falls, follows the valley as far as 'Volpaia' agritur) which can be found on a vast plain in Stavel, in the sight of the bold peak of the Presanella (3.556 m with its vertiginous frozen face.) From here continue on a dirt road in the direction of Velon. After the bridge over the torrent Vermigliana, climb, to the left in the direction of Maso Cadin, close to the ruins of the old miltary base from the 1914-1918 war. Bypassing the barns, continue right on a small road until crossing the dirt road which goes up to Forte Tonale. There cycle downhill for 100 m and after a short ride, on the left you will arrive in the vicinity of the baita di Velon, after which the road rises gradually in the direction of Passo firstly crossing the torrent and then through a clearing which reaches Malga Pecè. During the First World War this malga was the seat of the Austrian-Hungarian second in command. The oldest surrounding trees still bare the shrapnel from the Italian granades.
After the malga, the road, frequently crossed by small streams, rises in the middle of dense woodland. After some sharp bends the woods thin out allowing a view of the valley, and after bypassing some steep stretches you arrive in the vicinity of the state road SS42. Just before the road turn left and cycle SS42. Just before the road turn left and cycle uphill in the direction of Cantiere Presena and after 1 km, on the right following a long path ('Sentiero della Pace') and the slopes you will arrive at Passo Tonale (a visit to the Ossaria is recommended, built in 1924 it houses the remains of 831 soldiers killed in battle around Tonale. This is the border between Lombardy and Trentino, and was once the border between Italy and Austria). Cycle downhill for a few hundred metres on the state road and then take the dirt road on the right immediately after The Grand Hotel Paradiso (signposted Rifugio Nigritella). Go uphill to Rifugio Nigritella and straight after it take the road on the right which will take you up a spectacular path on the side of the mountain, and changing side will take you to Rifugio Bozzi (2.461 m) and a well deserved stop for some refreshment and a visit to the trenches and the small museum dedicated to the White War. Another 100 m of very steep road to cycle (SAT 111) where it twill be necessary push your bike) and you arrive at Forcellina del Montozzo, which at 2.613 m offers a breathtaking view of the Adamello Presanella mountains and the glaciers of San Matteo.
This natural environment, with its red coloured rocks, (this being dueto the iron found here) and the remains of the trenches provide an ideal background for a photo to keep as a memento. Due to recent works carried out on the fortifications of the First World War it is now possible to participate in trekking in the area. The gentle descent towards the Val di Pejo on the SAT 111 leads to Val Montozzo. There are some unexpected fast and flowing stretches especially in the vicinity of the numerous brooks and rivulets which run down the slopes, these become very stoney and dificult, putting the cyclist’s arms and the sospention of the bike to the test. At the end of Val Montozzo the path passes some slippery rocks (these have been smoothed by the movement of the glacier). These become even steeper testing the technical knowhow and the courage even of the most expert bikers.
A beautiful view of the emerald green Pian Palù lake is the only distraction allowed, this is due to the steep ravines, the very uneven road and the gradient and the cyclist should pay attention at all times. After numerous sharp bends the road reaches a junction, take the path on the left of the lake. Follow the road adjacent to it to Malga Celentino (1.841 m) which is situated just above the lake Pian Palù. A little further on from the malga on the right is the path SAT 110, which has got a lot of technical stretches, and descends until reaching Fontanino di Peio (1.681 m) where you can taste the natural mineral water coming out of the spring. It is very important to repect the walkers on the way down and to have full control of your mountain bike cycling, with care and attention. From the Fontanino, instead of taking the tarmacked road, there is a lovely path which goes to forte Barba De Fior (a spectacular fort dating back to the First World War). Take the tarmacked road once again and cycle down to Pejo Fonti in the direction of Cogolo. Close to the penultimate sharp bend there is a dirt road on the right which takes you through the woods and down to the cycle path to the village of Fucine.
It is strongly advised to pack your own food and some energy snacks.
We recommend always carrying a repair kit: inner tube, pump, mastic, patches and an emergency repair kit.