Trentino Booking Booking

Saént Waterfall Tour (Giro delle Cascate del Saént)

Mountain tour
Activity time
Durata in ore
Distance in km
A trail in Stelvio Park discovering the Saént Waterfalls, one of the iconic sights of Val di Sole. 
This circular route leads to one of the most-photographed places in Val di Rabbi: the Saént Waterfalls. A photo cannot however capture just how spectacular they are, the emotions that their waters arouse or even the cool sensation of the water spraying on your skin that you experience when you pass through them. You just have to visit them in person!


Saent Waterfall are part of the Uno Di Un Milione project. Here, through the QR codes on the original water bottles and the dedicated app, you can take part in an experience of art, relation and participation that will help you explore the water running through Val di Sole, discovering how the community in this valley has creatively imagined its own vision of protection for the environment and future generations. Want to know more? Visit

Route info

6.9 km
Activity time
3:00 h.
Uphill Elevation
430 m
Downhill elevation
431 m
Physical effort
Highest point
1755 m
Lowest point
1378 m
Height difference
377 m


APT Valli di Sole, Peio e Rabbi

Starting point

Loc. Coler - Rabbi


From the car park in Coler (1,380 m asl), about 3 km beyond Piazzola, you will come to Malga Stablasolo (1,539 m asl). From here, continue along the forest road and, on the other side of the bridge of the River Rabbies, you will soon come to the first waterfall. Don’t stop here, continue along the path to the famous bridge before the second, frothy, decidedly spectacular waterfall (panoramic viewpoint at 1,750 m asl). Cross it and breathe in the powerful energy of the water! Continue along the path and you will soon come to where it meets up with SAT 106 trail. From here, down to Malga Stablèt, the visitor centre in Stelvio National Park dedicated to the groundhog, and back to Malga Stablasolo first, and then Coler, along the forest road.

You can reach the waterfalls, without going past the malga, if you come up from Coler on the left-hand bank of the River Rabbies.

Public transportation

You can reach Val di Rabbi with the Trentino Trasporti bus service from Malè (download bus times out and back) to the stop in Rabbi Bagni. From there you will get to Coler in about 40 minutes on foot, or when it is running, with the Stelviobus Rabbi shuttle bus.

How to get there

Take the S.S. 42 state road to the town of Caldes and then the third exit off the roundabout (coming from Trento). Shortly after, take the right-hand fork for Val di Rabbi and continue along Via Nazionale to the roundabout. Here take the second exit onto the S.P. 86 provincial road to Masi Casna, where you turn right for Piazzola. Continue along this road until you come to Coler.

Val di Rabbi is closed to traffic in the summer. Leave the car in the car park at Plaze dei Forni and continue to Coler with the Stelviobus Rabbi shuttle bus.

Where to park

Paid parking in Coler. When the valley is shut to traffic, leave your car in the car park at Plaze dei Forni and continue to Coler with the Stelviobus Rabbi shuttle bus.