Trentino Booking Booking

Giro dei Tre Laghi Tour

Mountain tour
Activity time
Durata in ore
Distance in km
A moderately difficult route among beautiful alpine lakes with spectacular views of the Brenta Dolomites.
A pleasant hike starting from Rifugio Alpe Daolasa (easily reachable by the Daolasa - Val Mastellina Cable Car), which ascends Monte Vigo and quickly reaches Rifugio Orso Bruno. Amidst stunning views of the Brenta Dolomites, the route arrives at the Three Lakes, majestic alpine water mirrors nestled among the rocks. The hike then traverses larch and Swiss pine forests, culminating at the enchanting Lago delle Malghette.

Route info

10.3 km
Activity time
4:35 h.
Uphill Elevation
558 m
Downhill elevation
557 m
Physical effort
Highest point
2295 m
Lowest point
1888 m
Height difference
407 m


APT Valli di Sole, Peio e Rabbi


It is also possible to start the Three Lakes Tour from the parking lot at the cross-country skiing center of Campo Carlo Magno, following the signs to Lago delle Malghette.

Safety information

To undertake a mountain hike, we suggest:


  • Choosing a route suitable for your level of preparation. If in doubt, contact the Alpine Guides or our Information Offices.
  • Preparing your hike: check the weather forecast, the route you will follow, and the schedules of the ski lifts if your itinerary includes their use. Remember that the accessibility of routes in a mountain environment is closely linked to current conditions and therefore depends on natural phenomena, environmental changes, and weather conditions. Therefore, make sure to gather thorough information about the route and its conditions before departing.
  • Leaving information about your itinerary, the approximate return time, and taking your mobile phone with you.
  • Paying attention to the signs and markers along the route: Stelvio Park signs, white and red SAT signs, and red and white paint marks on stones or trees.
  • Booking in advance at the hut or refuge where you plan to eat or stay overnight.
  • Never leaving trash in the mountains and, if possible, avoiding leaving it at the huts or refuges you visit.
  • If you spot wild animals along the way, we encourage you to stay on the path you are on, do not get too close, do not shout, and keep your dog on a leash to prevent it from instinctively chasing and scaring the animals.

Starting point

Rifugio Alpe Daolasa (top station of the Daolasa - Val Mastellina cable car)

Public transportation

You can reach Daolasa by taking the TRENTO - MALE' - MEZZANA train to the parking area of the Daolasa - Val Mastellina cable car. From there, you can reach the starting point of the hike via the cable car.

How to get there

Drive along the SS42 until you reach the village of Mestriago. At the junction, take the exit to the right. After passing the information office, turn left and reach the parking area for the lifts.

Where to park

Park the car in the Piazzale Telecabina Daolasa - Val Mastellina.
For a mountain hike, it is always useful to:


  • Wear suitable trekking boots for uneven, irregular, and wet terrain, long pants, a hat, and sunglasses.
  • Pack in your backpack a waterproof jacket, a fleece sweater, a hat and gloves, sunscreen, and a minimum change of clothing.
  • Bring a water bottle and snacks for energy drops (dried fruit, bars, or chocolate).
  • Do not forget a camera or mobile phone to capture the panoramas and views you like the most. If you like, you can share them on social media using #visitvaldisole and #valdisolevibes.