Trentino Booking Booking

Lago Covel (lake)

Mountain tour
Activity time
Durata in ore
Distance in km
A route in the Stelvio National Park among typical mountain huts, woods and pastures.
A route in Stelvio National Park that is also suitable for families with kids. An enjoyable itinerary, not too long, that leads to small Lake Covel, surrounded by pastures. A must-see is Covel Waterfall, just a stone’s throw from the lake and a must-try is the goat's milk cheese made at Malga Covel.


This route is part of the Uno Di Un Milione project. Here, through the QR codes on the original water bottles and the dedicated app, you can take part in an experience of art, relation and participation that will help you explore the water running through Val di Sole, discovering how the community in this valley has creatively imagined its own vision of protection for the environment and future generations. Want to know more? Visit

Route info

8.7 km
Activity time
3:00 h.
Uphill Elevation
502 m
Downhill elevation
503 m
Physical effort
Highest point
1998 m
Lowest point
1559 m
Height difference
439 m


APT Valli di Sole, Peio e Rabbi

Safety information

The 10 rules for walking in the mountains:
  1. the feasibility of routes in a mountain environment is closely linked to the contingent conditions and therefore depends on natural phenomena, changes in the environment and the weather conditions. For this reason, make sure you are well informed about the route and conditions before setting out. You can do this by contacting your nearest Information Office;
  2. if you expect to reach a malga or mountain refuge, make sure that this will be open and, if you intend to stop to eat or sleep, call beforehand to book;
  3. leave information about your route with someone and always take your mobile phone with you;
  4. in the event of an accident, call 112;
  5. never leave litter in the mountains and, if possible, avoid leaving your rubbish at mountain refuges or malgas that you visit;
  6. if you spot wild animals along the way, we invite you to stay on the path, not go too near, not shout and to keep your dog on a lead, to stop it instinctively chasing and scaring the animal;
  7. face masks must also be worn in the mountains;
  8. keep a distance of at least 2 metres between you and other people;
  9. avoid sharing personal effects, instruments and water bottles with other people;
  10. take hand sanitiser with you and frequently disinfect your hands and surfaces

Starting point

Peio Paese


Once you reach the pretty little town of Peio Paese (1,584 m asl), near the church take the steep uphill tarmacked roat to the characteristic ridge of San Rocco, where the former Austro-Hungarian cemetery is. You can park your car here but to be sure of finding a space it is always better to leave your car in town.
Take the evident forest road and you will shortly come to some characteristic masi or farmhouses below the road. After crossing the winter ski slope, pick up the narrow mule track near an old farmhouse on the right. This easy route that avoids the meadows soon brings you to a climbing wall and after that the small Còvel Waterfall, so-called even if its real name is Rio Vioz Waterfall. After crossing a tiny wooden bridge, you will come to the biotope Covel Lake ando to Malga Còvel at 1,856 m asl (1 hour 45 minutes).
Return: go past the malga or herdsman’s shelter and then the picnic area, around the fields through the clearing in the larch copse and then continue along the SAT 125 trail, an easy to spot rough track, leaving the marshlands to your left, together with a few lovely farmhouses. After a small hillock, you will come back to the ski slope. After this you will reach the forest road you walked up on the outward journey (1 hour).

Alternative route to reach the lake: come up from Peio Fonti on the Peio Fonti-Tarlenta cable car to Scoiattolo. From here follow SAT 127 trail signs. Return along the same path.

Public transportation

You can reach the town of Vermiglio using the Trentino Trasporti MALÈ - MEZZANA - FUCINE - COGOLO-PEIO bus service (download bus times out and back). From Peio Paese you can reach the start of this route in about a quarter of an hour on foot, walking up towards the San Rocco ridge (Austro-Hungarian cemetery).

How to get there

Take the S.S. 42 state road to the fork for Val di Peio (on your right, coming from Malè). Turn here and join the S.P. 87 provincial road for about ten kilometres to Peio Paese or beyond, to the San Rocco ridge.

Where to park

Park at the bus stop in the town of Peio, accessible from the road that, on the right, on the hairpin bend, is next to the bar and leads to a big car park. Alternatively, park near the Austro-Hungarian cemetery in San Rocco.
For this walk we recommend hiking boots and a cap, with a waterproof jacket, sun cream and a bottle of water in your backpack. Remember your camera or mobile phone for immortalising the views and favourite sights. If you like, you can then share them on social media at the hashtags #visitvaldisole and #spazioaltuotempo.